Since 2012 Sarah Behrle, Lea Mäuer and Andrea Schulte are working, creating and playing together as the Compagnie Les Mât Dam’s. During their formations in different circus schools in France they have made many experiences in the performing arts of the New Circus. The use of circus techniques as language and expression is one of the main motivations of their (team-) work. Recently Lea and Andrea are touring with their duo chinese pole act “eXo” in Europe.
Lea Litte
She loves the colour orange, the taste of coffee-flavoured-ice-cream and sharing her laugh with other people. From the age of ten on, she was climbing up the tissue and was motivated to learn all disciplines which were offered by the Circus Waldoni (association in Germany). Furthermore, she got to know how to act and be on stage and gained experiences in her future profession. As Circus became her passion, she followed it to the circus-school in Lyon (France) where she continued to climb, to dance and to act.
The Chinese pole became her speciality and, as a chameleonic circus artist, she finished her formation in the summer 2012. Since then she has been performing on the Chinese pole as a solo artist and in the piece «ABWEGIG » by the Compagnie Waldoni. Furthermore she works as a Circus pedagogue and Choreographer.
Sarah Behrle
She likes a lot animals, especially sheep, hens, owls and marmoset. Paired with her passion of the wind and the openness of pure nature, it becomes evident that she now lives in the Jura, on a farm hidden in a valley far away from civilisation… During her education in different circus schools in France (École Nationale de Rosny-sous-Bois, Le Lido, Toulouse) she formed her own artistic language on stage in the disciplines of Chinese pole and handstand. She worked in the following different Circus Theatre Company’s: Compagnie d’Elles, Collectif Ca Déborde, Compagnie Pipototal, Cirque de Loin and performed with her solo „Géraldine“. In 2011 she founded her own company “Compania Rosa Canina”. From the age of thirteen on, she has also been working as a workshop leader, choreographer, stage director and accompanied social and pedagogic projects.
Andrea Schulte
-This text is soon available in english-
Ihren ersten Kontakt zum Circus hatte sie in Stuttgart bei einem Schüleraustausch. Zurück in Argentinien, ihrer Heimat, verfolgt sie mit Begeisterung das neu entdeckte Hobby “Circus”. Nach ihrem Abitur lässt sie sich an der Circus Schule “la Arena” in Buenos Aires zur Circus Artistin ausbilden. Der Drang, die Facetten des “Cirque Nouveau” intensiver kennenzulernen bringt sie wieder nach Europa, diesmal nach Frankreich, wo sie an der Circus Schule in Toulouse (Le Lido) ihre Ausbildung vervollständigt. Dort lernt sie Sarah kennen. Nach der Ausbildung in Frankreich gründete sie die Compagnie “familia bardo” und spielt in Europa. Neben der Bühnenarbeit hat sie auch viel Erfahrung als Circus Trainerin gemacht und bei verschiedensten Schulen und sozialen Projekten in Palästina, Argentinien, Chile, Deutschland, Frankreich, Spanien, und Österreich Workshops gegeben und Kurse geleitet.